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Water Resilience and Pollinators

In four Guarijillo communities in Southern Sonora, Huertos Vitales is a community building project with the intention of building a space where the youth can learn about sustainability, planting food, and saving seeds with their families. The lands of the Guarijillo are at risk. Their land rights are being challenged by outside forces such as invasive political projects like damming of water sources, and appropriation of indigenous lands by the mafia and Mexican government, and changing rain patterns due to climate change. Food security and water security are increasing pressure on autonomous living for rural communities which affects public health, youth development, and community communication and culture. Water Harvesting Workshops with Huertos Vitales, is organized by Doctor Elizabeth Petit, the Director of Clinica Almas in Alamos, Sonora, ​

​in conjunction with Guarijillo community leaders. Food security and water security are important for the survival of resilient communities. Though this project alone is not meant to "save" the Guarijillo through development, this project begins a process of dialogue to empower communities through water harvesting workshops with the intention of positive impacts.

I have been working with the youth in Guajarai, the northern most community, and building a youth group that plants seeds, observes pollinators, and practices art. The children are united because they go to school together and know each other in their village. Many have planted before with their parents or grandparents but few have done it together as a youth group. Doing art together such as painting the water harvesting tanks, planning a mural, and making seedlings with coke bottles, leads to new experiences and perhaps is forming of a group "youth-identity". One hope for the future is that we continue to do projects together and through creativity, the youth will begin to suggest their own projects and lead each other.

The seeds we started have been cared for by children and are growing well in their pots.

​With seeds from Native Seed Search, plants that are endemic to the area will be grown with the intention of creating an alternative food source, seed generation, and a learning space for the youth. through planting seeds and drawing, we create play which leads to positive memories and learning.

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